School have a nice hostel with various facilities like proper need things spacious airy rooms, hot water from Geysers and boilers, hygiene, toilets & Bathrooms. Separate rooms for every class wise students. Boys & Girls Hostel Facility is totally separate and secure
School has 40 buses. For the transportation of day scholar near about the area of 35 K.M. From School.
E- Learning
Every branch of the school from Primary To Higher Secondary there is separate, class of e- learning.
School have a Messing Facility also. We have a mess with Modern Kitchen with cleanness, tidiness, comparable Furnishers, waiter, cooks which gives our student nutritional diet through breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Play Grounds
For Sports & games school has separate play ground and courts for Kabaddi, Kho-kho, Volleyball, Badminton, Cricket, Foot Ball, athletics, Archery, etc.
Indoor Games
For the indoor games there is a perfect prepared hall for game’s practice like kickboxing, Judo, Karate, Table Tenis, wrestling, Rifle shooting etc.
Yoga & Meditation
Yoga helps the students to realise their present state of consciousness and to move forward into a state of collective consciousness and well-being. Yoga training & Meditation makes the student shed their physical & mental tension and imparts confidence to face the daily challenges.
Horse Riding
School have a separate unit for this activity with 25 horses which maintain and trained by Special Coach.
Medical Facility
For health checkup of students and to take care of their health there is a special Hospital Unit of school with needy equipment with trained Doctors & Nurses for 24 Hours.
24X7 CCTV Surveillance
As a part of security all school premises covered with CCTV for 24 Hours.